Friday, September 13, 2013 / 8:57 AM
Friday the 13th. Heyyyy to whoever reads my blog! Ohhhh, and the title has nothing to do with whatever I'm posting. It's Friday the 13th today and I've no idea what to put for my title so..... HAHA. It's been quite a while since I posted, yeah? Honestly, there are two main reasons why I haven't blogged in a while. Firstly, I want to post pictures of Teacher's Day but Alicia haven't upload it till yesterday. So I decided to put it on hold till I get the pictures. Secondly, I don't want my post about OCIP to go away! :( I assume by posting this post, my OCIP post will disappear from the page. >< But anyways, what's in the past is in the past. Let's move on. HAHA. So Teacher's Day went better than expected! I was really scared that my plan for the day would fail but it seems that everyone enjoyed the day! :D The laughter and smiles on everyone's face made my day. Especially when Mdm Chan said at the end of the day, "This is really special." That was REALLY encouraging! Here's the pictures! Though I didn't take much.
Everyone is squeezing in the toilet to wait for the teachers to surprise them!
Mr Roy! Our ex-form teacher while Mdm Chan was away!
Miss Sun! My Chinese Teacher and Co-Form Teacher!
Mdm Chan! One of my favourite teachers who knows us inside out. AWWW.
Tall ass JiaJie with short ass Benjamin :'(
Time for our first game! Where the teachers have to be blind-folded and they have to pour in water from a water bottle into the plastic cups that the students would be putting over their head. The objective is to pour water till it reaches or goes over the marked point on the plastic cup. If it spills, then... Too bad! HAHA.
Haha! It's really scary for the person sitting down!
The next game consists of two participants! A list of questions would be handed to the student while the answers would be given to the teacher. The questions and answers on the paper are jumbled up. Both participants would have to wear earpiece to prevent them from listening to one another. This 'telepathy' game requires the student to read out a random question. After which, the teacher answers with a random answer! One really funny one was, the student asks, 'What do you let out of your body when you have digestive problem?' Answer was fart. But Mr Roy answer,' Effiel Tower!' HAHAHAHA.
The last game is called Super Sunday! I have no idea why it's named like that. But it goes like this. The participating team would have to sit in one line. All facing the front or back. Like shown in the picture. Then I would give the teacher the name of a specific student or teacher. The teacher would have to act out whoever that was given to the student in front of her. Then the student would have to relay the action to the person in front of her. And it goes to the last person and he/she have to guess what was the answer!
This may not be the perfect class. But it's imperfect in its perfect ways. These people certainly gave me some unforgettable memories. 4E1 DIAMONDS HUAT AH!